NPCord Discord bot to connect your NPC to the discord server
Quick Start Guide


Use the following URL to add the discord bot to your discord server:

Discord Bot Joining Link
This discord bot is a virtual presence of your NPC from your Minecraft server, the bot keep track of important events from the Minecraft sever using the NPCord Plugin.
You can chat with your NPC in your discord server but either mentioning the NPC or by replying to one of NPC's message.


There a few essential commands to run to configure your discord bot and connect it to the Minecraft Plugin.

/config setchannel channel [Choose Channel from drop down]

Only usable by server Admins. Use this command to set which channel the discord bot will reply in. Required : True

/config setnickname nickname [NPC name]

Only usable by server Admins. Use this command to set the nickname of the discord bot to your NPC in your Minecraft server. Required : False (Optional).

/config setserverid serverid [Minecraft Server ID from Minecraft plugin]

Only usable by server Admins. Use this command to link your Minecraft server to the discord bot. Required : True.

Discord Members will use the following command

/refer <player id>

Discord user will use this command to map his discord username to Minecraft game username. User will get his player id using command from the Minecraft server as mentioned on the NPCord Plugin page.

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